Modern Poultry Media
Phibro poultry

Phibro presents 24 posters at 2023 WVPA on leading poultry-health topics

Phibro Animal Health Corporation presented 24 posters at the 2023 World Veterinary Poultry Association congress in Verona, including eight on infectious bursal disease (Gumboro).

Other topics included infectious bronchitis, Newcastle disease, coccidiosis, diagnostics and the growing use of direct-fed microbials.

“Our research and development team continually works on new discoveries to improve the health and welfare of animals, helping ensure the success of poultry farmers around the world,” the company says.

To review and download the posters, click here.



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Posted on: December 08, 2023

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Phibro Animal Health Corporation presented 24 posters at the 2023 World Veterinary Poultry Association congress in Verona, including eight on infectious bursal disease (Gumboro).



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Phibro Animal Health Corporation