Synthetic anticoccidials for poultry: Are some more resistance-prone than others?

Synthetic anticoccidials, also referred to as “chemicals,” are often considered the most efficacious tools to mitigate coccidiosis in poultry. Yet, despite their effectiveness, veterinarians and producers sometimes hesitate to incorporate them into control programs due to the concern of chemical-resistant Eimeria strains developing.

NCC petitions FDA to relieve HPAI-exacerbated egg shortage

To address the strain on the nation’s egg supply and resultant record egg prices due to the current HPAI outbreak, the National Chicken Council petitioned the FDA to reverse or modify current regulations that compel the broiler industry to discard nutritious and safe eggs.

Unwanted roosters: Is in ovo sexing the answer?

For every laying hen that is hatched, approximately one male counterpart also hatches. However, as roosters do not produce eggs, they are typically culled, or euthanized, at hatch. However, the culling of these day-old male chicks raises ethical concerns.