Category: Housing

egg production

Sustainable eggs: A new approach hatched in Indiana

There’s a new egg on the block in the US — the carbon-neutral egg from Kipster Farm. It’s the result of a different approach to egg farming that started in 2017, when Kipster, a Dutch egg producer, introduced the world’s first carbon-neutral egg to the Netherlands.

Necrotic enteritis, gengrenous dermatitis

Veterinarian shares experiences reducing NE, GD in broilers

After a decade studying how to reduce losses from necrotic enteritis and gangrenous dermatitis on broiler farms, Don Ritter, DVM, an independent consultant who heads Poultry Business Solutions, Norfolk, Virginia, believes the industry is finally making progress against these two clostridial diseases.

Poultry Extension Collaborative

Pullet rearing: Preparing laying hens for a cage-free environment

Currently, 34% of laying hens used for commercial egg production in the United States are housed in cage-free environments. This number will nearly double to 66% by 2026 by to meet retailer demands and state legislation requirements. How do we prepare for this increase?

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