Category: Layers

Shane: Vaccination needed in face of airborne HPAI threat

Evidence that airborne spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is possible near flocks of wild birds underlines that even extreme biosecurity won’t completely protect egg-production flocks, according to an industry commentator.

egg production

Sustainable eggs: A new approach hatched in Indiana

There’s a new egg on the block in the US — the carbon-neutral egg from Kipster Farm. It’s the result of a different approach to egg farming that started in 2017, when Kipster, a Dutch egg producer, introduced the world’s first carbon-neutral egg to the Netherlands.

Study shows brain size is smaller in commercially bred laying hens

When humans domesticate and breed an animal, they tend to select for a very specific trait. In laying hens, artificial selection for high egg production has led to hens that can produce 320 eggs a year. But could artificial selection have unintentionally altered hen brain morphology?

Fowl cholera vaccination

10 steps for successful fowl cholera vaccination

Developing a thorough vaccination strategy for fowl cholera — one that includes selecting the right vaccine strain for the field challenge that the birds are facing and proper vaccine administration — is critical when managing this bacterial disease.