Category: Welfare

Unwanted roosters: Is in ovo sexing the answer?

For every laying hen that is hatched, approximately one male counterpart also hatches. However, as roosters do not produce eggs, they are typically culled, or euthanized, at hatch. However, the culling of these day-old male chicks raises ethical concerns.

Auburn scientists review enrichment options for broiler breeders

Enrichment improves the environment of an animal, to meet their behavioral needs and ultimately improve their welfare. Although the research related to enrichments for broiler breeders is sparse, there are several different types of enrichments that have been shown to be beneficial. In this article, Marcela Quino and Bethany Baker-Cook, PhD, describe a few that are particularly effective for broiler breeders.

Improving the welfare of turkeys during live haul

Once the market weight is achieved in turkeys, they are herded, loaded and transported to slaughter plants for stunning and processing, but these events of known as “live haul” can pose risks to animal welfare throughout the process.  

Stocking density and broiler behavior

Stocking density is a key determinant of profits from a broiler operation as revenues per unit of space increase with increasing stocking density. However, overcrowding due to high stocking density can lead to negative behavior and welfare consequences.

Pre-slaughter welfare of broilers

The pre-slaughter phase for broiler chickens is a period that contains many stressors and risks for animal welfare. Understanding the factors that can lead to negative welfare outcomes is important to make improvements in broiler chicken welfare during the pre-slaughter phase.