Modern Poultry Media

Huvepharma receives conditional license for turkey coccidiosis vaccine

USDA’s Center for Veterinary Biologics has granted Huvepharma a conditional license for the manufacturing and sale of a new turkey coccidiosis vaccine.

According to the company, the vaccine is the only USDA-approved vaccine with three species of Eimeria, the protozoan species that causes coccidiosis. It is sprayed onto day-old turkey poults in the hatchery.

“The vaccine contains the live oocysts of E. adenoeides, E. meleagrimitis and E. gallopavonis,” says Steven Clark, DVM, technical services manager at Huvepharma.

“This allows for vaccination against all three highly pathogenic Eimeria species found in turkeys. Turkey coccidiosis continues to be a top concern of the industry.”

Coccidiosis is a prolific and costly intestinal disease that can be found in all production animal species. In turkeys, coccidiosis compromises health and can make the birds more susceptible to other infectious agents.

According to Clark, coccidiosis has a significant economic impact on the turkey industry in terms of low production efficiency, poor weight gain, increased therapeutic costs and bird mortality.

“This approval underscores our dedication to addressing the challenges coccidiosis creates for our customers and demonstrates our relentless focus on providing innovative and effective solutions,” says Daniel Lackey, director of product management and marketing.

For more information, veterinarians should contact their Huvepharma sales representative or Huvepharma’s customer service team at 877-994-4883.

Posted on: April 17, 2024

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USDA’s Center for Veterinary Biologics has granted Huvepharma a conditional license for the manufacturing and sale of a new turkey coccidiosis vaccine.

“The vaccine contains the live oocysts of E. adenoeides, E. meleagrimitis and E. gallopavonis,” says Steven Clark, DVM, technical services manager at Huvepharma.

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