Interrupting dark periods improves eggshell strength, bird welfare
Alternative lighting strategies that allow hens additional feeding opportunities during scotophase, or dark periods, can go a long way toward improving egg quality and bird welfare.
Alternative lighting strategies that allow hens additional feeding opportunities during scotophase, or dark periods, can go a long way toward improving egg quality and bird welfare.
A novel automated gel-beadlet system for vaccinating chicks proved successful in providing uniform coverage against coccidiosis.
Modern Poultry, a news website focused on live production, is celebrating “day 365” serving the global poultry industry.
By Sara Throne, DVM, MAM, Dipl. ACPV
Simmons Foods, Inc.
Siloam Springs, AR, USA
Looking to up your game with litter management? Visit Litterpedia, a new resource developed by AgriFutures in Australia.
A fat-laden poultry diet provides numerous benefits beyond traditional nutritional advantages, including improved palatability, reduced feed dustiness and better feed flow through milling equipment.
Clear Science Design — a company that specializes in creating branded print and digital platforms for sharing new research, technical information and other scientific content — has been launched by Modern Poultry’s graphic designer, Susanna Ronner.
Optimizing broiler growth and health requires a diet that delivers uniform nutrients to all birds. But that involves more than getting the diet formulation right.
By Ken Opengart, DVM, PhD, DACPV
3 Birds Consulting
Signal Mountain, Tennessee
The first comprehensive literature review in 40 years presents up-to-date research and best practices to prevent floor egg laying.
Today’s pullets are bred to reach sexual maturity sooner, are more efficient once they reach the egg-laying stage and remain productive longer than layers of past years. Those are all positives for egg producers, but is the industry keeping pace with their protein needs?
Ultrasonic water meters enabled rapid and early identification of potential problems in cage-free layer houses, including feed shortages and water restrictions, according to research presented at the 2024 IPSF by William Strickland, graduate research assistant, University of Georgia.
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