Modern Poultry Media
Zinpro Corporation, a manufacturer of high-performance organic trace minerals, has introduced the Zinpro Global Poultry Mineral Guide to help poultry operations be more precise, productive and profitable while addressing different production challenges.

Zinpro offers practical guide to review trace mineral-needs for poultry

Zinpro Corporation, a manufacturer of high-performance organic trace minerals, has introduced the Zinpro Global Poultry Mineral Guide to help poultry operations be more precise, productive and profitable while addressing different production challenges.

The company noted that changes in production over the past 10 years — most notably, faster growing birds with better feed conversion, reduced antibiotic usage, efforts to control Salmonella in live production — have made it necessary to review trace-mineral needs.

“The industry still resorts to outdated recommendations for minerals and vitamins, dating back to the 90s,” says Leonard Linares, PhD, a nutritionist at Zinpro.

“But today’s bird genetics and challenges are different, which prompts a critical look at trace-mineral nutrition, including the levels fed and the source of the trace mineral.”

More than 80 studies

Zinpro says it leveraged more than 80 scientific studies and peer-reviewed trials in different poultry species as the backbone of this first-of-its-kind tool, supporting the recommendations for different challenges such as:

  • Breast myopathies and meat quality
  • Food safety and antibiotic-free diets
  • Infectious diseases
  • Sustainability
  • Different species including broilers, broiler breeders, commercial layers, turkeys and turkey breeders
  • Different production phases

“By replacing a part of the inorganic trace minerals with more bioavailable sources, you can be more precise and achieve better overall performance,” Linares explains.

The result, he adds, is better uptake of the mineral, better resilience against pathogen challenges and a better overall return on investment (ROI) without changing the total dosage.  The result is more sustainable and cost efficient.

To download the free guide, click here.


Posted on: July 05, 2023

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Zinpro Corporation, a manufacturer of high-performance organic trace minerals, has introduced the Zinpro Global Poultry Mineral Guide to help poultry operations be more precise, productive and profitable while addressing different production challenges.

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