Wood heat exchangers promote drier litter, better footpad quality
External wood heat exchangers have a positive effect on broiler production compared to radiant propane brooders, which are generally used to heat US poultry houses.
External wood heat exchangers have a positive effect on broiler production compared to radiant propane brooders, which are generally used to heat US poultry houses.
Injecting CO2 into incubators can cut the incidence of woody breast — a muscle condition posing a challenge for the broiler industry.
Ultrasonic water meters have a modest cost, but they’re an effective tool to tackle a variety of issues early in the life of birds in production.
University of Georgia scientists are honing machine learning approaches to track cage-free layers’ natural behaviors.
Infection with avian reovirus leads to reduced bacterial diversity in birds’ guts — a possible explanation for how disease caused by the pathogen is aggravated by intestinal disturbance.
Gaydos Technical Services, LLC
Dallas, TX
Supplementing broiler feeds with essential oils and organic acids have shown potential for managing broilers and supporting performance through a necrotic enteritis (NE) challenge window, according to Charles Hofacre, DVM, PhD.
Every-day feeding programs have benefits for broiler-breeder pullets as they approach sexual maturity, according to University of Georgia research.
Machine-learning approaches are providing new insight into bird comfort during loading and transportation, which could reduce losses due to overheating.
Hoping to raise the bar for Campylobacter control, a poultry scientist at Clemson University is researching the use of probiotics to improve poultry gut health and control foodborne pathogens.
Three poultry scientists from Penn State University — Kayla Niel, DVM, Megan Lighty, DVM, PhD, and Jonathan Elissa, DVM — answer questions about HPAI vaccination and whether it should be considered for US flocks.
By Allison N. Pullin, PhD
Assistant Professor of Animal Welfare
Prestage Department of Poultry Science
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
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