Czarick: 18 ways poultry growers have increased sustainability
By Michael Czarick
Extension Engineer – Poultry
University of Georgia
Department of Poultry Science
By Michael Czarick
Extension Engineer – Poultry
University of Georgia
Department of Poultry Science
Providing chicks a dark period from the time of placement in the broiler house is practical and affordable for broiler producers and has no apparent negative effects on broiler performance, according to research conducted by Garret Ashabranner, PhD; Brian Fairchild, PhD; and Michael Czarick, engineer at the University of Georgia.
During cold weather, an objective of an environmental control system is to bring in small amounts of cold, fresh air uniformly throughout a house to maintain good air quality without chilling the birds or resulting in excessive heating costs. The primary method of obtaining this objective is using a negative-pressure ventilation system.
By Michael Czarick
Extension Specialist – Engineering
University of Georgia
Department of Poultry Science
By Michael Czarick
Extension Specialist – Engineering
University of Georgia
Department of Poultry Science