Dynamic lighting plays role in optimizing layer production, health and welfare
Lighting has emerged as one of the most powerful tools to manage and optimize layer performance. It profoundly impacts production, health and overall welfare.
Lighting has emerged as one of the most powerful tools to manage and optimize layer performance. It profoundly impacts production, health and overall welfare.
Lighting, among other factors like feeding and ventilation, plays a critical role in the growth and behavior of poultry and should be given careful consideration. Gabrielle House, PhD, ONCE by Signify, discusses the four main factors to consider when selecting which light source is best for your poultry house.
The poultry industry is less resource-intensive than other forms of animal agriculture, yet sustainability practices are crucial within the industry to address environmental concerns, particularly greenhouse gas emissions.
When we think of flickering light, our minds conjure images of candles casting fitful shadows or perhaps the occasional power outage dimming our surroundings. Yet, in the realm of lighting technology, this phenomenon goes by a more precise name: temporal light modulation (TLM).
By Aaron Stephan, PhD
Research and Innovation Director
ONCE by Signify