Modern Poultry to debut new newsletters to highlight top articles
Modern Poultry announced plans to debut four additional newsletters to help its rapidly growing audience keep pace with the latest developments in live production:
Modern Poultry announced plans to debut four additional newsletters to help its rapidly growing audience keep pace with the latest developments in live production:
A smartphone app that can identify and classify disease from pictures of chicken feces has been developed to aid poultry veterinarians and farmers in making accurate and swift disease diagnoses.
Zinpro Corporation, a manufacturer of high-performance organic trace minerals, has introduced the Zinpro Global Poultry Mineral Guide to help poultry operations be more precise, productive and profitable while addressing different production challenges.
A series of one-page safety guides covering a variety of topics related to the safe use of propane and propane-powered equipment on the farm is now available from the Propane Education & Research Council.
Modern Poultry — a new, independent website produced by Feeks Media LLC — covers everything from health, feed and nutrition to housing, welfare and food safety. The site also offers special editorial sections for the breeder, broiler, layer and turkey sectors, as well as a free biweekly newsletter. Readers can also follow Modern Poultry on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.
Supplementing broiler feeds with essential oils and organic acids have shown potential for managing broilers and supporting performance through a necrotic enteritis (NE) challenge window, according to Charles Hofacre, DVM, PhD.
A new online tool called the Waterfowl Alert Network notifies poultry farms when the risk of a highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) outbreak is high.
Ancera has introduced Salmonella System Monitoring, a software platform that, according to the company, delivers “deeper and more timely insights around Salmonella throughout the poultry supply chain.”
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